Home » Peru destinations » Amazon » IQUITOS

The city of Iquitos is in the jungle north to east. It is the capital of Loreto Region, with almost 30% of the country is the largest and northernmost Peru. The city lies along a secondary arm of the Amazon River in front of a large permanent white called Padre Island, wooded and almost twenty miles in length. The city is surrounded by a number of smaller rivers and canals.
Within walking distance is the confluence of the great river Napo with the Amazon. In this world river, communications depend as much or more of the navigation of inland, almost nonexistent outside the city of Iquitos.
In Iquitos there is a newly opened zoo and some interesting buildings, the product of the rubber boom of the last century, as the old houses of mosaics in front of the seawall, and the first prefabricated house in America: the Iron House, designed and built by Gustave Eiffel and brought from Europe by parts (nuts and bolts included) and assembled at the place which is in the center of the city.
To see wildlife such as caiman, monkeys and macaws, you really need to travel well beyond an 80km radius from Iquitos and preferably off the main waterways. Some animals such as pink dolphins are found only in some of the more remote tributaries of the upper Amazon.
Location: south east of Peru
Longitude: 03°43′46″S 73°14′18″O
Population: Iquitos has a population of 300,000 inhabitants
Extension: The city of Iquitos has a land area of 368,9 km² (142,4 mi²),
Altitude: 106 meters above sea level
Iquitos, being near the equator, the city of Iquitos has a tropical rainy climate, with temperatures ranging from 20 º C (68 º F) to 36 º C (97 º F). The annual average temperature is 28 º C.
The dry season in Iquitos offers a very different climate, July and August still see some periods of heavy rain, despite being the driest months.
However, strong sunshine and fine weather is never usually too far behind and quick to dry things up.
Getting To Iquitos
For the traveler wanting to experience the rainforest there are really only 3 possibilities: take a river cruise, visit a lodge or organize a trip with an independent guide.
By Air
Iquitos has and International Airport Coronel FAP Francisco Secada Vignetta (IATA: IQT, ICAO: SPQT) is located in the Loreto Region, Province and District Maynas Iquitos to 6.0 km from the city.
There are frequent flights from other cities in Peru, often cities of northern Peru as there are flights from the capital city of Lima Peru.
Flights Lima – Iquitos and vice versa, have daily departures via LAN Airlines and Star Peru and Peruvian Airlines lasting approximately an hour and a half.
Important, it is recommended reservations made well reconfirm departure times and arrival of aircraft.
Flight Frequency

LAN Airlines (LA)
Lima – Iquitos – Lima
Flights frequency :Every day departs 5 daily flights
From Lima to Iquitos flights departs Since 5:30 am to 7:20 p.m.
From Iquitos to Lima flights departs since 8:15 a.m. to 9:40 p.m.
The flights take 1 hour 45 minutes
Peruvian Airlines (P9)
Lima – Iquitos – Lima
Flights frequency: Every day departs 2 daily flights
From Lima to Iquitos flights departs since 6:20 am to 5:30 p.m.
From Iquitos to Lima flights departs since 8:30 a.m. to 7:40 p.m.
The flights take 1 hour 40 minutes
Star Peru Airlines (2I)
Lima – Iquitos – Lima
Flights frequency : Every day departs 2 daily flights
From Lima to Iquitos flights departs since 7:20 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
From Iquitos to Lima flights departs since 10:20 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
The flights take 2 hour 30 minutes
More Information >>>
By Bus
Due to its degree of isolation by geography of the Amazon, Iquitos has no roads or road network and ensures the land transport, making it possible to access only by air or river.
River connections

By river will reach the city of Iquitos, from many domestic and foreign destinations.
The main river ports where boats leave to the city of Iquitos are Pucallpa (Ucayali), Yurimaguas (Huallaga river) and Santa Rosa, where you can access Leticia.
Marañon River connecting the city of Iquitos to Tarapoto via Yurimaguas, the Napo and Putumayo connect it to Ecuador.
The main port in Iquitos is Puerto Masusa, from where large passenger boats leave. Take a mototaxi from the centre.
Large boats are slow, taking passengers and cargo. They provide you with a space to sling a hammock and basic food (but not water) for the journey. Most boats also have bunks in cabins available for a few dollars more, although these are not necessarily any more comfortable. Boats get very full and travel slowly, and the journey should only be undertaken by anyone looking for an adventure and not afraid of discomfort.
It is possible to buy drinks and food when the boat stops at small ports, although this can be infrequent. Watch your belongings carefully on the boat, as there is nowhere to leave them safely. Tie up rucksacks in your hammock during the day, and bring a padlock to keep bags closed.
To buy a ticket, just turn up at the port and find a boat leaving for your destination. All paperwork is handled directly by the captain. Boats tend to leave around 4pm and it is possible to buy a ticket right up until the boat leaves, although bunks fill up long before, and by 4pm there is very little room to hang a hammock.
Speedboats are available to the border with Brazil and Colombia only, and the journey is much quicker and more comfortable this way, although it is also much more expensive.
There are also luxury cruise services to some destinations.

Iquitos has many tourist attractions, with a warming weather, beautiful scenery, and a variety of flora and fauna, Iquitos is one of the best choices for vacations. Here is the list of the most visited tourist places.
Iquitos Cathedral
The Iron House
Palace Hotel
Pacaya Samiria National Reserve
Zungarococha Lake
Malecón Tarapacá
Port of Belén
Municipal Museum
Amazon Museum
Amazon Library
Quistococha Complex
Caserío Santo Tomás
Santa Clara
Almendra Port
Rumococha Lake
Amazon River
More information main tourist attraction >>>
There are tours in Iquitos that include the visit to native communities. Many of these trips consist of a dance and music show specifically for tourists. It is possible Wildlife seen will vary from one tour to another, but most will include pink and grey river dolphins, both of which can usually be seen on the river. Piranha fishing is also included on most tours. Many tours also include the chance to see the giant Victoria Regia Lilies.
There are several options if wishing to visit the jungle around Iquitos. Visiting a jungle lodge gives a relatively comfortable way to see the jungle, although this obviously limits areas that can be visited to those near the lodge. Some lodge operators own several lodges, which means that they are able to offer days at different lodges, allowing you to visit different areas while staying in the comfort of a lodge. Another good option for traveling around is to take a cruise in a luxury boat. These move around, meaning that you are in a different location every day, and some of the boats are very comfortable.
Link Tours Iquitos


For travel
– Find a tour operator specialized in expeditions in the jungle
– It is important advice your operator if you have any limitation, for example, if you are vegetarian, allergic to any foods, etc.
– bringing good binoculars.
– Bring shirts long and short sleeves.
– Use insect repellent to prevent bites.
– Follow the instructions of the staff in charge.
– Bring pants, shorts, hat, rubber and trekking boots. Also a pair of sandals.
– Due to jungle tours is recommended to wear light clothing that can get dirty
– Check the sheets, blankets, clothing and shoes before use, in case a dangerous animal is hidden in them.
– Keep personal belongings in high places
Health and Hygiene
– Moisturize and protect yourself from the sun.
– Drink only potable water.
– Get information about the danger of water before bathing in rivers.
It is recommended for people traveling to the jungles of Peru, the yellow fever vaccine. Get vaccinated at least 10 days before arrival in the jungle. We need to bring your yellow vaccination certificate while in the Peruvian jungle
– International call: 00 + Peru Code (51) + City Code (P. Maldonado: 84, Iquitos: 65) + Phone Number
– National call: 0 + City Code + Phone Number
– Use boots or sneakers during long walks.
– Drink plenty of fluids during their excursions in the jungle.
– Maintain a set of dry clothes in the lodge.
-Insect repellent with 35% DEET and sunscreen.
– Hiking boots, sneakers and shoes.
– Long-sleeved shirts.
– Swimsuit.
– T-shirts.
– Rain wear.
– Flashlights, batteries and bulbs.
– Binoculars.
– Camera.
– Personal hygiene items and medicines.
– We recommend having just one piece of luggage and limit its weight to 15 kg.
In most of Peru is potable, but the chemical content varies by location. To avoid problems, we recommend that you always drink bottled water.

Cooking is simple, colorful and exotic with unexpected flavors; most ingredients are only available in the region. The most representative dishes are the Patarashca, turtle soup, made with turtle meat and served in its own shell; Juanes, Tachacho, Muchangue, Timbuche or Chilcano. Among typical drinks of the region are Masato, Cocona juice, Aguajina juice, juice pihuayo, Chapo, Seven Roots, Huarapo

Festivities in Iquitos
– Carnival. February to March. Is celebrated with much happiness, water, gifts, fruits drinks and typical
– Iquitos Tourism Week. From June 21 to 27. One of the most anticipated holiday by the local people, there are activities like sporting, folklore, crafts, food fairs, among other competitions. The central day is on Junes 24, which celebrates the traditional Festival of San Juan.
– Santa Clara. From 8 to 10 August. Religious festival honoring the patron saint of the village of Santa Clara, located about 15 km from the city of Iquitos. The Virgin is carried in procession to the river to bless the waters.
– La Purisima. From 5 to 8 December. Religious festival in the town of Punchana, in honor of the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception.
Famous because it is a touristic destination and also because of its nightlife, you will find several bars and nightclubs where you can go to talk, drink and dance. Residents and tourists get ready to go for fun and to enjoy the night with the rhythm of typical and modern music and also to test drinks typical of the region.
Noa Iquitos Disco
Address: Calle Fitzcarrald N° 298 Iquitos – Perú.
Berimbau Disco Pub
Address: Calle Putumayo Cdra. 4, Iquitos – Perú
Dreams Disco
Address: S. Ocampo 102 – Iquitos
Caminito Disco Pub Bar
Address: Calle Napo 172 – Iquitos
Iquitos has many tourist restaurants, with typical food, Peruvian food and international food.
More Information restaurants >>>

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