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Typical Dishes

Ceviche of Chocho:
One type of legume prepared as ceviche is prepared with chopped tomatoes, chilli, coriander, pepper, cumin, salt, lemon juice. Serve with corn, lettuce.

Llunca Cashki
Wheat soup (shelled) with meat (chicken, lamb, beef), vegetables

Cuy Picante
Guinea pig fried, served with potatoes and peppers.

Llunca Cashki
Wheat soup (shelled) with meat (chicken, lamb, beef), vegetables.

Roast pork served with salad, roasted potatoes and lettuce.

Boiled pork in its own fat. The dish is accompanied with hominy corn, salad and mint leaves.

Api (sweet) Pumpkin
Peeling pumkin, and then cut into pieces, boiled with cinnamon, cloves, orange peel. To flavor is added sugar or burnt sugar.

Pecan Soup:
Sheep’s head soup. Boil the head with tripe and potatoes. Serve with chopped mint.

Flour soup (peas, beans or wheat), eggs and cheese.

Based stew cabbage with beef, lamb or pork. Serve with mint or oregano.

Cuchi Canca:
Asado de chancho servido con ensalada, papas doradas y lechuga.

Huallpa Caldo:
Carne de gallina hervida en sal, una vez sancochado se le agrega papas crudas peladas. A parte se hace un aderezo de manteca, ajos y ají molido, y se agrega al caldo junto con las presas y las papas.

Pacha = earth, Manca = pot. Oven made on land, until a bed of hot stones. Put the potatoes, beans, meat marinated in Chinchu, parsley and coriander powder. Clogged with leaves, stones over hot cooked 1 hour.

Fried Trout:
Fried trout served with salad and lettuce can be served with sliced potatoes or rice.

Ground corn with meat wrapped in leaves and steamed.

Ground corn and sugar, wrapped in leaves and steamed.

Ceviche of Chocho:
One type of legume prepared as ceviche is prepared with chopped tomatoes, chilli, coriander, pepper, cumin, salt, lemon juice. Serve with corn, lettuce.

Meat cut into strips and sun dried.

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