Peru maps - Peru Explorer - Custom Tours Travel Tourism Information


All about Peru maps:


Maps of Peru fall into three basic categories. A standard road map should be available from good map sellers just about anywhere in the world or in Peru itself from street vendors or librerías; the Touring Y Automovil Club de Peru, Avenida Cesar Vallejo 699, Lince, Lima (tel 01/440-3270) is worth visiting for its good […]

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Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon Rainforest is a vast region that spans the border of eight rapidly developing countries: Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana, an overseas territory of France. The landscape contains: * One in ten known species on Earth * 1.4 billion acres of dense forests, half of the planet’s remaining […]

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Location The Arequipa Peru Map will help you to know about where is situated this beautiful city in Peru Arequipa is Located south of Peru, its name comes from the Quechua according to some authors “Ari – to – pay” which means “if you hold fast.” According to other authors come from the Aymara name […]

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It is located in the central coast, along the Pacific Ocean. Lima is bordered on the east by the foothills of the Andes and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. The altitude is 154 meters above the sea level on average. Its capital is the city of Lima, one of the most important in […]

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Nazca Lines Facts

Little is actually known about Peru’s Nazca Lines. These Nazca Lines Facts will give you helpful visitor insight and help you piece together some of the unknowns, and you can make up your own mind regarding what’s truth and what’s historical fiction. Many lingering questions remain: What do they represent? Who built them? Were aliens […]

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Nazca Lines Map

The Nazca Lines are ancient geoglyphs which are located in Pampas of Jumana in the Nazca Desert, between the towns of Nazca and Palpa. Nazca Lines Map Geoglyphs Map They were drawn by the Nazca culture and are composed of several hundreds of figures ranging from designs as simple lines to complex zoomorphic, geometric and […]

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Lake Titicaca Map

Lake Titicaca is not only the highest lake in the world above 6,560 ft (2,000 m): it also takes the crown for being the world’s highest navigable lake at a soaring 12,500 ft (3,800 m) above sea level. Check out our Lake Titicaca Map and learn more about this natural wonder between Peru and Bolivia […]

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Peru Map

The Republic of Peru is one of the most important centers of cultural and tourist attractions in the world. Its rich history and travel opportunities abound are staged amid the country’s wonderful landscapes. A Peru map is filled with majestic Andes Mountains, the mysterious Amazon jungle, and coastal desert. Map of Peru Peru is located […]

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Amazon Rainforest Map

An Amazon rainforest map illustrates the immensity of the Amazon rainforest which extends 2.5 square miles (5.5 million square kilometers) across South America. Today, the Amazon represents over half (about 54%) of the planet’s remaining tropical rainforest regions and protects the largest reserves of natural resources in the world. In South America, the Amazon covers […]

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Peru Explorer