Cajamarca Festivities


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Is considered as a Historical and Cultural Heritage of South America and the symbol of the Latin American Unity be the Organization of American States. Located at the north of the Andes, nowadyas Cajamarca is a modern and develop city, which the main activity is mining. To know and appreciate the main turistic places is neccesary to have a long vacation, because Cajamarca have a lot of things to offer.
The origin of Cajamarca begins in the Pre Inca epoque, the valley of Cajamarca was the center of the culture Caxamarca, that developed among 500-1000 A.C. these territories were incorporated to the Tahuantinsuyo when Pachacutec was a governor in 1465.
This place was the escenary of one of the most trascendental episodes of the Peruvian History, when Francisco Pizarro took Atahualpa as a prisoner.
Cajamarca is characterized by their folkloric manisfestation, which are principal religios and traditional. In this festivities the population celebrates with dances like Cashua, Los chunchos or Danza Blanca, Las Pallas, La Pachilla, La danza de los emplumados o imperiales and La danza del los diablos.

Carnaval de Cajamarca / February – March (Movible)

Province of Cajamarca, Cajamarca district and neighboring districts
This is one of the most important celebrations in the area. All neighborhoods are prepared for different contests dominated the music and dance. The Cajamarca organize a parade and the people accompanying the King Momo, while patrols and dance and sing simultaneously brightening the streets. The nights are to crown queens, watch folk dances and traditional food and drink taste. The Cajamarca Carnival celebrations are spread over a month with eight main days.

Fiesta de las Cruces / March – April

Cajamarca Province, village of Porcon
On Palm Sunday, the day of the celebration, is held four ceremonies: the crowning of the Cross, the salute to the “Lord” in the house of the steward (in charge of leading the celebrations every year), and prayers in Quechua Latin and finally the procession to the chapel in the village of Porcon. In this procession paraded more than fifty crosses of 60 Kg each, they are adorned with pictures and mirrors.

Fiesta de San Juan Bautista / June 24th – Province of Chota

Chota district, province of Cutervo – Cutervo district, province of San Pablo – San Pablo district
Religious activities, social and craft shows in honor of the Patron Saint San Juan Bautista.


Feria de FONGAL

Province of Cajamarca district of Baños del Inca.
Exhibition and sale of agricultural products, produce and crafts, among others. Competitions are also conducted Peruvian Paso horses and fishing.

Señor de Huamantanga / September 23rd al 25th

Province of Jaén, Jaén district.
Regional fair with religious, cultural and sporting

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