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General information

Arequipa it is located in the southeast of Peru, limits with Ica, Ayacucho and Apurimac at north, Moquegua at the south, Cusco y Puno at east and with the Pacific Ocean by the west.

Well known as the “White City” due to the color of its buildings made from sillar (white volcanic stone), and a picturesque colonial structure, this city has been declared a world heritage site by UNESCO; it is surrendered with an impressive snowy mountains and volcanoes (Misti, Chachani, Pichu Pichu) and the  Colca Canyon one of the world’s deepest canyons.
The department of Arequipa is also geographically varied with Andean valleys a several nature reserves and beautifully natural landscapes which became in an interesting place to visit.

Arequipa Tours
Colca Canyon

Location: At the southwest of Peru, front of the Pacific Ocean.

Latitude 16º 23′ S
Longitude: 71º 32′ O
Population: 1 218 168, Hab.
Extension: 63,345.39 Km2,
Altitude: 2.335 msnm
Due to its location the city of Arequipa has a climate varied. Generally is arid-sunshiny, temperate weather with a maximum temperature of 21.7ºC (71ºF) and a minimum of 6.9ºC (44.4ºF). By nights, temperatures in Arequipa can drop harshly, particularly in June, July and August, at the evenings temperatures are around 10°C / 50°F and can feel quite frosty. The rainy season is from January to March.
A the coast is warm with temperatures between 12 ° C to 29 ° C and in the mountains the climate is dry with an altitude that varies from warm temperate to intense cold, which has an average temperature of 14 ° C and stationary rainfall, between the months of October to March.
Getting To Arequipa
By bus:
There are a several companies that depart from Lima – Arequipa the travel time by bus it is 14 hours. To Cusco-Arequipa it is around 12 hours of trip and from Nazca it is about 11 hours.
The most recommendable bus enterprises are:
-Cruz Del Sur
-Transport Interprovincial Ormeno
By plane:
There’s daily flights from Lima (50 minutes approximately) and from Cusco (30 minutes approximately) Arequipa’s airport is served by LAN Peru airlines,Taca Air It’s only an hour to or from Lima and just a take over a half hour from Cusco
By train:
There’s a train service that connects Arequipa and the cities of Mollendo, Juliaca, Puno and Cusco.
Distances from the City of Arequipa
– Camaná (Province Camaná) 173 km / 2 hours and 30 minutes.
– Caravelí (Province Caravelí) 382 km / 7 hours.
– Aplao (Province of Castilla) 178 km / 3 hours.
– Chivay (Province of Caylloma) 162 km / 3 hours and 45 minutes.
– Chuquibamba (Province Condesuyos) 234 km / 5 hours.
– Mollendo (Province of Islay) 113 km / 2 hours and 15 minutes.
– Cotahuasi (province of La Union) 379 km / 12 hours.

Arequipa attractions
The department of Arequipa has a variety of touristic attractions with spectacular landscapes accompanied by the picturesque architecture around its city. From the coast with its beautiful and peaceful beaches, to the desert with its fruitful valleys until the highlands with its impressive volcanoes, mountains and canyons.

Take a look at the main and most visited attractions are the following:
– Plaza De Armas (Main Square) & Cathedral
– Santa Catalina Convent
– El Misti Volcano
– Colca Valley
– Cotahuasi Canyon
– Andean Sanctuaries Museum

Tours Arequipa

Arequipa City tour
Colca Canyon 3 days
/ * Ascension to el Misti 2 days


Arequipa has a variety of expressive dances and musical events that complement the colorful costumes of the dancers. One of the most popular are usually presented in its major events (Holidays) such as:

El Ccamili (in celebration of planting),
El Wititi (commemorates the arrival of the Incas),
El Tincachi (offerings to Pacha Mama, mother Earth)
Turku-Tusuy (Dance ritual that represents the triumph of Christianity over Collagua peoples)
Los Negritos (involve the integration of the Peruvian coast to the highlands)
Las Corridas de Toros (Other feast day).

In Arequipa, we get fascinated and we can be part of the color and tradition, religious customs of its festivities, the Arequipa People enjoy a very full calendar of these events along the year, also the travelers who came from different places coming to Arequipa in order to participate of these popular festivals. Being the most crowded the Arequipa’s Holy Week (Semana Santa), Corpus Christi, Peru National Independence Days celebrations, and various carnival parades.

At the following there is a complete list of the most representative festivities of the White City, Arequipa. More information  >>>
Arequipa Tips-Useful information
Health & hygienic
– Dot not drink tap water. Instead buy bottled water or boiled it.
– It is best to avoid no-brand popsicles sold on the street or salads washed with tap.
– Fruit is abundant and delicious, but ensure that you wash it or peel it yourself.
– Eat in well-run hygienic establishments.
– Make sure food is fully cooked.
– Be precautious and package a kit of medicine in case of an emergency.
– To reach the summit of Misti Volcano must be in good physical condition and have a good health;
Security & safety
– Be careful with the taxis that are not registered. Be informed at the hotel or in some tourism info site which ones are more safe and trusting’s.
– Dot not walk alone without any company late at night, there are some dangerous neighborhoods.
– If you find yourself at a big party or popular celebration with a big crowd, keep your eyes open for anything.
– Cheap night buses should be avoided if possible, due to higher incidents of accidents and crime. Be sure to take from an agency that works with a serious company.
– Be alert when withdrawing money from ATM machines, especially by nights and in a crowded place. You could suffer by robbery.
– If you plan to do some ‘adventurous activities’ such as rafting, horse riding or paragliding, make sure that your policy covers you.
For the trip

– Do not forget to bring your personal documents with you all the time.
– Drink coca leaf tea and Coca candies for the altitude.
– Always Bargain, there a lot of aircraft places, minimarkets etc.
– Take a warm coat with you because at nights the temperature descends, feeling a pretty intense cold.
– Don’t forget to bring a sunblock, hat and sunglasses during the day. Also some moisturizing cream due to Arequipa is one of the driest cities of Peru.
– To Avoid the crowds, if you decide to visit the Santa Catalina Convent is recommendable to go early morning.
– Follow the instructions of the guide that is in charge of the tour.
Money exchange
The major places for change money are close by Sunday. Some changes houses are situated at the center.
*Intercambio (House Change)
Address: Street San Juan De Dios 108-B, Arequipa (one block from the square)
* Ascospi
Address: Av. Ejército 807


There are a diverse of shopping opportunities around the city of Arequipa, with a range of artisan galleries and stores selling antiques. More information >>>

Cultural Centers & museums
Arequipa doesn’t count with any relevant theater, and sporadically there are some events but usually come from Lima. There are very few concerts along the year, although there is an orchestra that plays often. More information >>>

In the last years the nights in Arequipa are being active with the increase of new places of entertainment. The Nightlife is concentrated in the centre where you can find a number of cool bars as well as some good clubs and discos for dance., Live, karaoke, etc.. There are also a variety of nightclubs and entertainment centers in Dolores Avenue, where you can find rocks restaurants, clubs of various musical genres, these clubs are just minutes from downtown. More information >>>

Arequipa cuisine is one of the most diverse of the country, which present a variety of dishes like: Adobo (pork marinated with chichi and spices), Ocopa, Rocoto Relleno, Chupe de Camarones (Shrimp soup with milk, egg), El Escribano (potato salad with Pepper), between others Typical of the zone. Also don’t forget to taste the popular “cheese ice cream” (elaborated with cream of milk) a very delicious sweet. More information >>>

Restaurants of Arequipa
The restaurants where traditional food is sold are called picanterías.Arequipa is known for its Spanish colonial style stews and casseroles cooked on firewood in clay pots at picantería.

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