Home » Peru destinations » Arequipa » AREQUIPA WEATHER

The Arequipa weather is dry, especially in times of winter, autumn and spring. If you have in mind to travel to Arequipa, well known as “the white city “and and realize some of its fabulous Arequipa tours, it is good to know all about its weather conditions.
Some of the factors that determine the climate in this city are:
*The Influence of the South Pacific anticyclone.
*Topographic configuration.
*Passage of frontal systems of low atmospheric pressure.
*Local wind system, valley and mountain breezes.
It is described by some people as an exceptional climate, that devoid of the rigors of winter and summers overwhelming the coast, ensures the presence of a vital sun, a clear sky with 300 days of sunshine a year and a figure record 4000 hours of sun exposure per year, Arequipa justifies its nickname “City of the eternal blue sky”.
Arequipa temperature is between 10 and 25 degrees. The wet season occurs in the months of December to March, is translated by the presence of clouds in the afternoon and a little rain. In winter (June, July), a little cooler and the temperature drops to an average of 10 ° C, but the dry climate helps to feel the cold less intensely.
The average relative humidity is 46%, according to data from the meteorological station located in the Goyeneche Hospital during the years 2000 and 2001, with an average high of 70% in the summer season and a minimum average of 27% during the seasons of autumn, winter and spring.
Winds in Arequipa are influenced by local wind system and the passage of frontal systems of low atmospheric pressure, which is conditioned by the topographical surrounding the valley where the city is. The occurrence of winds occurs mainly in the evening and early morning, a mountain breeze is having a north-east direction and in the course of a day is dominated by valley breezes with a South-West direction. The wind velocity along the day fluctuating between 1.5 m / s and 2.5 m / s.
It is important to know too that the global solar radiation recorded in the city of Arequipa is between 850-950 W/m2, WATT / square meter that index is considered one of the highest in South America and is the city with the highest radiation levels recorded in Peru one UVI (UV index) in the range ranging from high values. This phenomenon is due to its proximity to the area of influence of the Atacama Desert. Another factor is the pollution in all its stages.
In general in Arequipa the days are quite sunny with a blue sky with few clouds, but being a dry climate is recommended to wear sunscreen and skin moisturizers As This tend to be dry.
Also we should take note that Arequipa is Peru’s coast but also has a mountain area so there will be times due to the thermal contrast, which we will see the sun but if we walk in the shadow, we will feel very cold. It is always convenient to bring an outerwear.

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