Home » Peru destinations » Amazon » THREATS TO THE RAINFOREST

Nowadays the threats to the rainforest are increase along the years, an despite that, there have been created several organizations that fight against them, at the same time, we continue damaging without stopping.
We must know, in order to take more in consideration and thinking twice before to provoke some damage that the rainforest is one of the most important ecosystems in the world. Just the Amazon alone produces 20% of the oxygen in this world. It is also home to millions of animals. That includes mammals, reptiles, fish, birds, insects, and arachnids. Some of the trees also help make medicines.
At the following you will see some of the important causes in where we are participate of this.
People log for many reasons. One of them is for houses. Another is for furniture. There other reasons too. But the result is the same. No matter what they cut down trees for the result is always the same: trees getting cut down. To help what you can do is always be sure to buy farm grown wood.
One other thing people do to destroy the rainforests is building farms. Rainforest soil is very good for growing (it’s pretty obvious because of all the growth there). So lots of farmers want to build their farms there. The problem is that when the farmers have farmed enough the soil is no good anymore. So they go off and find more area in the forest.
People mine to get the much stuff in the forest, such as aluminum, gold, oil, etc. If native people happen to be in the dig site then the miners kick them off of their territory. They also make the water bad so any one who drinks it will become sick.
A different thing that people do is make dams. The dams hurt the land by flooding the trees. Eventually the trees will die. They also flood the native people from their homes. To top it off they prevent the fish and other animals from passing. The animals that eat those fish can starve.
I hope you learned the rainforests are a very important part of the world that is being destroyed. I hope they can be saved before it’s too late.

Amazon rainforest

The Amazon it is a giant rainforest ecosystem that extends over an area of 7,000,000 square. Experts consider the area as the richest biological reserves in the world with millions of insects, plants, birds, and other life forms, many of which have not yet been cataloged by science.
The Amazon is the second longest river in the world with a length of 6,400 square kilometers and a higher flow rate than any other, releasing 6.5 million cubic feet per second in the rainy season. This river is responsible for one fifth of the total volume of water coming into the world’s oceans.
But deforestation along the Amazon River in South America is declining rains falling and causing climate change because less water gets evaporated into the atmosphere, leading to less rainfall in addition to affecting the global warming of the Earth since the suppression of these trees involve the emission of millions of tons of carbon dioxide polluting the atmosphere as the Amazon basin climate regulates most of the South and its trees are large processors of carbon dioxide and oxygen suppliers.
The Brazilian scientist Britaldo Silveira Soares-Filho, of the University of Minas Gerais, says that if you do not change the current human use of the forest and its protection is reinforced estimated the size of the Amazon will be reduced from 5.3 to 3, 2 million square kilometers by 2050.
The World Conservation Fund also warned that climate change and deforestation could wipe out or severely damage up to 60 percent of the Amazon rainforest by 2030 even.
Scientists have noted the importance of the Amazon forest for the climate of our planet since it cannot be underestimated because not only is essential to control the temperature but also an important source of fresh water.
Deforestation is one of the activities that emit higher levels of greenhouse gases. According to official data, 20 percent of annual global emissions of greenhouse gases from deforestation. The increased production of agrofuels has disastrous social and environmental impacts according to scientists from the United Nations.
The impacts are more severe every day on communities and natural assets. Forests are being cut down and indigenous peoples and other communities are being displaced from their territories, often violently, to make way for agrofuel plantations in the hands of transnational corporations that expropriate land and water.
There are currently over 850 million hungry people and over 18,000 children die every day as a result. This policy of allocating productive land and crops to feed cars instead of using them to feed hungry people is a crime against humanity.

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