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General Information

Lima Peru Weather, according to its geographical location (in the tropical southern hemisphere) Peru should have a warm, humid and rainy. However, the presence of the Andes, the South Pacific anticyclone circulation and the cold Humboldt Current has certain environmental conditions, giving rise to a variety of climates.
On the coast almost never rains, is characterized by the dense fog and dim rains between May and November, producing cold feeling though just average annual temperature of 14 ° C and 18 ° C. In summer (December-April), humidity decreases and the sun shines brightly.
Both in the mountains and in the forest there is a dry season or summer (May-October) in which there are many sunny days, and a rainy season between December and March (“winter”). While sawing has a cool, dry climate with an average temperature of between
9 º C and 18 º C, the forest has a tropical climate with temperatures ranging between 26 º C and 40 º C.
In the valleys can be found in temperate and dry climate all year round, with some rain during the summer.
The mountains trap moisture laden air causing rain and promoting a very fertile land. By contrast dehydrated make it through the air, causing deserts on the opposite slope. This occurs just as the Andes and the Amazon, then why the city of Lima in the Peruvian coast is not as bleak as the rest of deserts in the world?
The Pacific Ocean plays a key role, with very few deserts in the world with a gentle sea breezes laden with moisture bathing the desert coast, with a chain and lock the catch off the coast, stabilizing the temperature to avoid are extreme and the rest of deserts, shortening the extension might have this area. The next time you see a cloudy day, we should be aware of how lucky we are to live in a desert that always wakes up with a thin layer of water on the surface or the miracle of winter deserts full of vegetation as green ravine in the valley of Lurin. In the absence of these factors the valleys of the Rio Rimac and Chillon would not be so fertile and most likely the capital would have been founded elsewhere.
Despite being so close to the city of Ecuador in principle would condition a tropical climate warmer. In general maritime desert climate of Lima, weather conditions “soft” without extreme temperatures and in other deserts, has high humidity, clouds and haze recurrence and presence of BISAS constant.
Temperature: only in the summer months, at certain times of noon, we have high temperatures (greater than 27 º C) in the same way, only in the winter months, mainly in the morning; they can be considered low (under 14 º C).

Temperature and Precipitation

The average temperature and rainfall Lima is the following
(Min – Max) Precipitation
Lima 15 ° C – 27 ° C 0 mm – 20 mm


The presence of excessive moisture is a particular phenomenon and constant. The relative humidity is high in all seasons, reaching the average over 80% in every month. It highlights the problem of thermal sensation (one sees more heat or cold than it actually does).
Precipitation: total lack of rainfall throughout the year, most that I reached is 3mm per month in the winter months. Not to mention the garua (fine mist), which is present mainly in the mornings and in the autumn and winter.


rates have generally soft and constant throughout the year, predominantly in the morning calm. At noon the predominant direction is South-West (direction in which lies the sea) with light winds, though moderate winds between December and February, are considerable. In the afternoons the prevailing direction is South-East with recurrent low wind and calm that averages 30%.

Overcast (cloudy):

Lima has a lot of months under overcast skies, going so far as to take into the winter months and half hours of direct sunlight per day. In overcast or cloudy lime clouds predominate type “strata” in the mornings throughout the year. Stratus clouds are grayish basket are very deal superficies and are not associated with the presence of rain.
For lighting comfort, the presence of lime cloud cover makes the glare effect is of particular interest, location and size of the openings ends up being the most important determinants

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