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Feast of Ollantaytambo / January 6th
Ollantaytambo, Feast of the Magic king’s, religious processions, great typical dances.
Feast of San Sebastian / January 20th
San Sebastian, patron of the religious festival of the people, great folk dances and a feast of food and fruits.
Ch’iaraje / January 20th
Canas Province, District Yanaoca (Community of Checca).
A ritual battle between the people of the Checca and Quehue communities struggling against each other in war games to boost soil fertility. The winning community receives the largest portion of the land. The men are armed with slings, leather whips and sticks and wear vests adorned with flowers. Help women care for the horses, collect stones, and encouraging men to the songs.
Carnival – El festival de la alegría / February
The Peruvian carnivals are marked by the festive character of Andean areas, which regularly break with their solemn traditions. Beyond regional variations, a common feature of most of the chain saw is the ritual of yunza called umisha cortamonte in the jungle and the coast. It is artificial planting of a tree trunk laden with gifts, around which the guests dance until it is cut with a machete or an ax. The couple who make the tree to fall will be in charge of organizing the yunza next year.
Peleas de Toqto / February 2nd
Chumbivilcas Province, District Livitaca (Toctopata) Cusco
They are made in Toqto, a village between districts and Livitaca Yanaoca. They are 3 days of fighting and performances of the past when people fought to gain more land. The first day, people settled in the place. The second day starts one on one battles, and then form groups of 5 to 10 people. After eating and drinking all fight on the third day, and when the games finish the wounded are cared for and organize communities qhaswa (party for the winners and losers)
Lord of the Earthquakes – Señor de los Temblores – El Cristo Negro y la Flor Carmesí (Easter) / Half of March and early April
The celebration takes place on Easter Monday in Holy Week.
This conclusion is of particular interest because it allows visitors to observe the fusion of Andean religions and Christianity. The Cathedral of Cusco, where it maintains the image is built on the foundations of the ancient temple of the god Viracocha Apulla Tikse. The image of the Lord of Earthquakes is taken in procession through the streets of the city as did the Incas to move the mummies of their chiefs, high priests and rulers.
Cruz Velacuy (Fiesta de las Cruces) May 2nd
Feast of pagan religious character, made in the fields at night, in which worship the crosses that are located on the hills, the next day carried the cross to the nearest village church.
Señor de Torrechayoc / May
Province of Urubamba, Urubamba District. Cusco
This festival began to be celebrated in 1860 when a huge cross was placed in the snow, and the opening of a railway track (Urubamba-Lares), was celebrated with a mass. Years later, the cross was taken to the town of Urubamba, where he started a cult of it. In addition to a mass, the cross is carried in procession with all her jewels. There are fireworks, parades of dancers, bullfights and cockfights.
Qoyllur Rit’i / May
Quispicanchi Province, District Ocongate – Cusco
A pilgrimage to the mountaintop Sinakara. The greatest pilgrimage of all the indigenous nations of the Americas. Over 10 thousand people come to Sinakara, at the foot of Mount Ausangate (6,362 masl), to pay homage to a painting of the Child Jesus. The rise of a group of Keros to the snowy summit to find the Star of the Snow (Qoyllur Rit’i) in the heart of the mountain is full of symbolism. They carry large blocks of ice on their backs in order to receive blessings and take it to their communities to irrigate their lands with holy water. Along the way, there is a procession, some dancing, bands, performances, fireworks and a symbolic market, Alasitas (works in miniature).
Corpus Christi
(June – 9 Weeks alter Easter week)
The festival of Corpus Christi is celebrated all over Peru since colonial times.
It is the ultimate religious festival in which all the churches take the images of saints and virgins are taken to visit the statue of Christ in the Cathedral. The processions, the adornment and beautification of streets and the fervor of the people, are a sight beyond description.
“Inti Raymi” / June 24th
El Inti Raymi o Fiesta del Sol FUE UNA Ceremonia Inca Que se realizaba, Con Carácter anual en el Cusco, la Capital del Tawantinsuyo, Entre El Periodo Final de La Cosecha y El Inicio del equinoccio invernal de los Andes, es Decir en La Segunda Mitad del mes de Junio.
Fiesta de la Virgen del Carmen / July 15th -16th
Four hours from Cuzco, in the town de Paucartambo, thousands of believers worship in separate parties to the Virgen del Carmen, known locally Mamacha Carmen, patron saint of the mestizo. The meeting was called to these holidays are held in the Plaza Mayor, where bands of musicians play their instruments while richly dressed choirs sing in Quechua, beginning ingenious choreography representing passages in the history of Peru. After the procession a war against the demons, which the faithful emerge triumphant. Finally the procession ends its journey at the cemetery to pay tribute to “souls.”
Fest of Quillabamba / July 25th and 29th
Province of La Convención, Cusco Santa Ana District
This is the celebration of the anniversary of the province of La Convención whose capital is Quillabamba. Each year, Queen of Coffee or “Miss Quillabamba” is chosen. There are also cockfight tournaments, motocross, and Cocla Fair, with a music festival with national and international artist.
“Pachamama Raymi” – Día de la Madre Tierra / August 1st
On this day, the following festivals are held at: Pachamama Raymi in the district of Ccatca, Wataqallariy in the district of Maras, and Kinturaymi in Huasao in the district of Oropesa. This is an Andean ritual worship and pays tribute to the Pachamama (Mother Earth) in a special ceremony called “payment to the land” with offerings of coca leaves and chicha huayruro seeds (seeds of the mystical forest). The ritual marks the beginning of the Andean New Year.
Señor de Huanta / September 14th
Calca Province, District of San Salvador. Cusco The story of Lord of Huanca began in 1675 when, as he says, Jesus appeared in a cave to Diego Quispe, an Indian. His story inspired living one of the best painters of the time to reproduce the image on a rock. The worship (recognized in 1779) reaches its climax on September 14, and believers come from all over Peru and Bolivia in search of cures for their physical and spiritual ills.
Fair Tikaranticuy December 23th
Cusco, Fair ornamental, medicinal, wild, is a colorful display.
Fair Santuranticuy December 24th
Cusco, the colonial fair, craft congregation of hundreds in the Plaza de Armas, exposure and marketing of handicrafts.

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