Ica – Nazca – Paracas Travel Information


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General information
Situated at the south coast of Peruvian littoral. It is a 300 km of Lima. It is considered the center where the important pre-inca civilizations Nazca and Paracas culture. There
you can to visit the Huacachina located at 6 km from Ica. A charming village around an oasis with a beautiful lake and stunning sand dunes.
Ica is well known as the region of the pisco and popular wines also has around of the sand and sea, oasis and valleys, besides with devotions, like the Señor de Lauren or the
Sanctuary of Yauca.

Huacachina Lake

The climate in Ica it is warm and dry during all the year with an average temperature of 25 ° C.


General Information
The Town of Nazca it is located in the arid central Peruvian coast, around 400 km at the south of Lima, the Capital City and a 50 km from Ica. Limits with the province of Ica and Palpa at the north, Ayacucho at the south, Arequipa at the west and the ocean pacific at the east. In this Place are the famous “Nazca Lines” it is a desert of a 50
square km which were covered by huge drawings, and figures of insects, deities and mammals forged an approx. 300 AC.; that nowadays continue as a grand mystery for the most demanding archeologists around the world. These enigmatic vestiges were declared world Heritage by UNESCO.

Those designs can only be clearly visible in its real dimension from the sky (with an altitude of at least 1,500 feet), for that reason, it is even more inexplicable, due to at those
times the culture of Nazca It was not supposed that they have been capable to realize manned flight, having as a result the question of how they could have been crafted
those drawings, what technology they used and what was the real purpose of these lines.
Other archaeological complex sites around this town, which are interesting to visit, are: Cahuachi, Estaquería, Chauchilla cemetery (mummy-filled cemeteries and tombs) and
Paredones (Inca ruins), where you also will be able to find many crafts elaborated by ceramic artisans that keeps the traditions of these culture.

The weather in it is warm and sunny during all the year, with an average temperature of 23º C- 25 º C aprox. In summer season (From January-march) could be exceed the

Useful Information

The Nazca Lines Nazca Culture Nazca Lines Theories Nazca Civilization


General Information
it is located in the department of Ica a few hours to the south of Lima (3 hours), it is a combination of desert with sea and its cliff are surround it by a variety of birds and the penguins of Humboldt. The National Reserve of Paracas is the only protected area in Peru that includes a marine ecosystem. The place is a refuge for sea lions, Humboldt penguins, flamingos and other birds. This route includes a sea excursion to the Ballestas Islands, then during trip along the sea, you will able to appreciate a hillside, where there is a figure of Candelabrum (geoglyph over 120 meters long, also called Trident), similar to the Nazca Lines, but with a different source or origin.

General Information
it is located in the department of Ica a few hours to the south of Lima (3 hours), it is a combination of desert with sea and its cliff are surround it by a variety of birds and the penguins of Humboldt. The National Reserve of Paracas is the only protected area in Peru that includes a marine ecosystem. The place is a refuge for sea lions, Humboldt penguins, flamingos and other birds. This route includes a sea excursion to the Ballestas Islands, then during trip along the sea, you will able to appreciate a hillside, where there is a figure of Candelabrum (geoglyph over 120 meters long, also called Trident), similar to the Nazca Lines, but with a different source or origin.

Paracas National Reserve

Getting To Nazca-Ica Paracas

By plane

Ica has a small airport, departure point for the Nazca lines expeditions. Count with 2 aerodromes one it is close to Las Dunas Hotel, at 5 kilometers Highway from Ica. and
second it is the Aerodrome María Reiche in km 447 of Panamericana South highway (Nazca).
Lima to Ica by air it is 45 minutos aproxx..
In the aerodrome of Nazca operate some companies that over fly the Nazca Lines. You can arrive from Lima, Ica, Chincha or Pisco in one of these non-regular flights.
By Bus
You can go through the Southern Pan American Highway; Lima to Ica (4 hours) a Paracas (3 hours) to Nazca (5 hours). Nazca It is a 400 km from Lima, and the trip by bus
takes 7 hours, there are several bus companies that offer a directly service to Nazca. From Arequipa it is 8 hours and Ica is 2.5-3 hours away various companies run buses
throughout the day.
Tours Nazca-ica-Paracas
Ica, Paracas and Nazca lines
Nazca Lines and Ballestas
Paracas National Reserve and Ballestas Island

Main attractions Ica-Paracas-Nazca

Ballestas Islands
The Ballestas Islands are some islands in the Pacific Ocean near the coast of Peru.
They are located 260 km south of Lima, near the town of Paracas in the Pisco province.
The abundant life that exists in the Bay of Paracas and the islands is made possible by the cold Humboldt Current; due to the Humboldt Current is the water that fills the Ballestas Islands plankton and its microorganisms, further enriching the sea with shoals of fish, such as sole, cojinovas, croaker, toyos and anchovies.
In the Ballestas Islands you will be able to see a variety of wildlife species such as The Humboldt penguin that is in danger of extinction, then marine wolfs and even dolphins that goes around the sea.
Also Thousands of sea birds fly between the Ballestas Islands and they can see their nests on the rocks, among them are the pelican, condor, boobies, flamingos, etc

Paracas National Reserve
The Paracas National Reserve it was created on September 25 of 1975. In order to keep a portion of the sea and the desert of Peru, giving protection to the various species of wildlife that live there.
The national Reserve It is 260 km south of Lima. The trip from Lima takes 3 hours to 4 hours by car or bus.
And Over 100 thousand people visit the reserve annually.
During the tour of the Paracas Reserve you can see the attractive archaeological figure of the candelabrum and stunning works of nature as the Cathedral, and it’s beautiful beaches.
Between the animals that live in the Paracas Reserve are: sea turtles, octopus, calm, clams, crabs, very much and lizards.

Flora of the Paracas National Reserve
The sea of Paracas has a rich variety of marine flora because their water flows favor the presence of plankton, phytoplankton and algae. Studies show that there are a range of 200 marine algae, such as weeds, sea lettuce, etc.
The terrestrial flora of the Paracas Reserve is very poor because there is little rainfall and low humidity.
Nazca Lines
The “Nazca Lines, also known in the scientific world as “geoglyphs” are one of the most important legacies of the ancient pre-Inca cultures of Peru. Located in the valleys of Palpa and Nazca in the Peruvian department of Ica, this vast expanse of desert plains exposed on the sand huge geometric shapes in perfect harmony up pictures of animals, plants, objects, humans and gods. On the origin and meaning of these lines, archaeologists and researchers of paranormal events have raised several theories that interpret the set of lines as a huge astronomical calendar or a place of worship built by water cultures and Culture Nazca Paracas culture.
These giant tracks and grooves up to 30 centimeters in depth form a vast network of lines and drawings in the sand. The conclusions state, according to researcher Kosok theory, which is a giant astronomical calendar signs, built over two thousand years.
Aircraft fly over the Nazca plains is an unforgettable experience that allows us to appreciate the full extent of these singular lines.
Huacachina Lagoon
It is one of the most beautiful places in the Peruvian coast. Located five kilometers from the city, is an oasis of lush vegetation (dunes, palm trees, tamarisk and eucalyptus) with green sulphurous curative waters.

The Carnivals are held in all provinces on Sunday in month of February.
The feast of the Mermaid of the Huacachina is held from 13 to 15 February.
From 13 February to 4 March, the black Festival of Chincha.
The first half of March takes place massive Harvest Festival.
The celebration of the Lord of Luren is the most important religious celebration, marks the first Thursday and third Monday of October


Security & safe
-If you will travel by bus be sure that the company of your choice it is safe, has a well-known name and count with a prudent period of time on the market.
-Be very careful and never buy from people that approach you on the street or it is waiting at the the bus station. (Could be scammers or people who can take advantage of
you and get money for their own convenience)
– We recommend counting with travel insurance for any inconvenience or accident.
– keep an eye to your stuff there is some robbery around. Especially at nights.
– don’t approach to close at the animals at the moment of the excursions.
Health & hygienic
-Do not contaminate the zone with trash (envolturas) and bottles (no returnable)
-Avoid eating food before the overfligth to the Nazca lines the airplanes are in continue movement and make a several turns around the air that would cause nausea and
-Dot not eat for less than s/.6.00 ($2.00) could be food in not a good state.
For the Trip
-To overflight the Nazca lines you will have to pay a tax of $14.00
-if you are foreign, it is really important to bring your original passport to do the overflight.
-Bring bottles of water for the hydration to drink during the ride because the temperature reaches a maximum of 30°C (summer season) and it is a warm climate.
-A sunblock and a hat to be protect of the sun.
-A good repellent in order to avoid the insects.
-Don’t forget that it’s forbidden to walk alone in the Nazca desert without authorization and being with an official guide
– We recommend to do a complete Ica-Paracas-Nazca trip every place have an interesting attraction to see, the ballestas islands, being at the end the most remarkable the
Nazca lines.
-the flights are subject to the climate conditions and to the control of traffic air.
– Take a swimsuit with you in order to give you a fresh bath in the beautiful beaches of Paracas.
– To ballestas islands wear a coat because although it is a warm weather, at the moment of be at the boat blows strong winds.

The typical dish of Nazca is the Bofe, which is prepared with offal of beef; then is La Patita de Mani (Elaborated with pork and peanut); la Humita and tamales (based on corn).
About the drinks: it is consumed the Cachina and other types of wines and piscos.
In the city of Paracas and near to the beach you will find some stalls offering handicrafts and ornaments made of fossilized stones, polished stones, seashells and snails.
Nazca is not particularly known for shopping. Still, you will find some good bargains and interesting shops around the city.

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