Home » Peru travel packages » JAUNT ROYAL PERU 12 DAYS


Basic Class 2** Tourist Class 3*** First Class 4**** Luxury Class 5*****
Lodging Lima La Castellana Carmel Casa Andina P.C Country Club
Lodging Chiclayo Las Garzas Las Garzas Gran hotel Gran hotel
Lodging Trujillo Conquistadores Conquistadores Libertador Libertador
Lodging Pto.Maldonado Sandoval Lake Sandoval Lake Sandoval Lake Sandoval Lake
Lodging Cusco Orquidea Real Los Andes de America Casa Andina P.C Monasterio
Train Tickets on Expedition Vistadome Vistadome Vistadome
Lunch on local restaurant Sanctuary Lodge Sanctuary Lodge Sanctuary Lodge
Lodging Aguas Calientes Continental El Santuario Hatun Inti Sumaq Machu Picchu


Basic Class 2** Tourist Class 3*** First Class 4**** Luxury Class 5*****
Lodging Lima La Castellana Carmel Casa Andina P.C Country Club
Lodging Chiclayo Las Garzas Las Garzas Gran hotel Gran hotel
Lodging Trujillo Conquistadores Conquistadores Libertador Libertador
Lodging Pto.Maldonado Sandoval Lake Sandoval Lake Sandoval Lake Sandoval Lake
Lodging Cusco Orquidea Real Los Andes de America Casa Andina P.C Monasterio
Train Tickets on Expedition Vistadome Vistadome Vistadome
Lunch on Local restaurant Sanctuary Lodge Sanctuary Lodge Sanctuary Lodge
Lodging Aguas Calientes Continental El Santuario Hatun Inti Sumaq Machu Picchu

Please contact us for more information and for pricing.

Duration 12 Days and 11 Nights
Departures Daily departures
Activities Mix of Peruvian Coast, Jungle and Mountain
Airfares NOT INCLUDED, can easily be included in the package upon request
Customizable YES, feel free to ask for extra services or modifications


Pick up upon arrival at Lima’s airport and transportation to the hotel. Overnight (No meals)


Early in the morning transfer to the airport where you will take the flight to Chiclayo (airfare not included).
Upon arrival transfer to the hotel and after some rest time we set off for the mud-brick pyramid that made world headlines in 1987 with one of the most sensational finds of recent archaeology. Known as the Huaca Rajada — the “Cracked Pyramid”, because of the deep gulleys weathered into its flanks — this eroded adobe platform yielded fabulous ancient treasures from a series of deeply buried tombs of the pre-Inca Moche culture, who lived in the valleys of Peru’s north coast 1,500 years ago. To get there we drive east up the broad, flat Reque valley past fields of sugarcane studded with varicolored pastel foothills of the great Andean chain, then arriving at the modern village of Sipán. Here we see the tombs themselves, with superb reconstructions of the burials of priests and chieftains, together with their sacrificed guards and companions.
A highly informative site museum tells the story of this extraordinary civilization, who created some of the finest pottery, jewelry and goldworking of the Americas — while also staging macabre costumed rituals of combat, sacrifice and propitiation as they sought to mediate a never-ending struggle between the forces of Order and Chaos.
We return to Chiclayo for a delicious lunch of Peru’s northern-style cuisine, and then continue on to Lambayeque, where we visit the Royal Tombs of Sipán Museum. This modern building, representing the style of a Moche pyramid, was built to house the stunning and priceless objects unearthed at Sipán. (A single looted object from the tombs was intercepted at an auction in the U.S. — carrying a reserve price of $1.6 million!)
Here we see the incredible array of precious symbols and images, stones and shell necklaces, ear-plugs and headdresses that were worn and displayed at Moche ceremonies, and also learn what is known of their meaning. This astonishing visit ends at an “animated waxworks” exhibit of the lords and retinue of the Moche court, allowing us to glimpse and imagine the world of an unfamiliar but dazzling civilization that thrived here at a time when Europe was sliding into the Dark Ages after the fall of the Roman Empire.
After these sensational experiences we drive to an oasis of calm at Tucumé, today’s final destination. Here we see the chronological sequence that followed the fall of the Moche, at a site where their descendants, the Sicán culture, continued to amass millions of adobe bricks for the building of mighty pyramids — including the longest of its kind in the world, at more than 700m/2,300ft — but were now influenced by highland tribes, and began to abandon their old ways. The history of this scenic site — extensively investigated by the famed Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl — leads us all the way to the Incas, who conquered the region not long before they, in turn, were conquered by the Spanish. We can climb to a viewing platform with superb views of the surrounding pyramids and the dry woodland habitat of the Leche valley. We can also visit the small, intimate and low-tech site museum, to enjoy the excellent collection of excavated objects, dioramas of daily life, and models of the pyramids.
We return to Chiclayo for an overnight stay. (L)



In the morning, we’ll travel with our guide by private car or bus to Trujillo. This half-day journey south down the Pan-American highway offers a shifting panorama of scenes from coastal Peru, alternating irrigated river valleys such as the Jequetepeque and Chicama, with stretches of arid dune and rocky desert. We make a stop at pacasmayo to enjoy a delicious lunch.
Upon request optional visit the archaeological site of El Brujo: This site featured in National Geographic magazine after the sensational discovery here of the mummy of a tattooed priestess, buried with a variety of ceremonial and military accoutrements. An extraordinary array of multicolored murals dating from seven or more phases of construction depicts both scenes from the daily lives of the Moche, and gory rituals of sacrifice.
Additional: $88 per person based on single and $52 based on double
We arrive in Trujillo in the early afternoon. This city, founded in 1534 on the orders of Francisco Pizarro, maintains a colonial atmosphere, with its spacious Main Square, and marvelous colonial-period adobe buildings in the coastal colonial style, featuring huge barred windows and massive wooden doorways. We continue onwards, driving a short way from Trujillo, to visit the Huaca de la Luna, and the Huaca del Sol, two huge flat-topped pyramids built by the Moche culture between 0 and 600A.D. The Huaca de la Luna is an extraordinary demonstration of what patient long-term archaeology can achieve. Here, at a site that has been well known and frequently looted for centuries, excavations have revealed layer upon layer of ancient construction, uncovering wall after wall of colorful friezes that were intentionally buried by the Moche, and had not seen the light of day for one-and-a-half thousand years. Bloodthirsty fanged deities and exotic gods in the form of spiders, snakes felines, octopi and other marine creatures rub shoulders with lines of dancers, warriors and naked prisoners, and scenes of ritual combat. One wall is covered with such a multitude of mystifying symbols that it has been labeled simply “The Complicated Theme” — until some future archaeologist can offer a plausible explanation of them. A site museum to display material unearthed here is under construction, and when opened it will be part of this visit.
We return to Trujillo to spend the night. Overnight. (B, L)


In the morning we tour the historic center of Trujillo, a city whose heart still pulses with colonial splendor. We visit the immense main square and the spacious mansions built by Spanish and Creole gentry during the 17th and 18th centuries. Then we make our way through Trujillo towards the coast, arriving at the great Chimú center of Chan Chan, the largest adobe city ever built. It was in fact an elite settlement, a series of nine enormous palaces belonging to successive rulers of the Chimú realm. At its height the population here may have reached 50,000 people. Many of them were artists and craftspeople, who made the sumptuous goldwork, textiles and pottery for which the Chimú were famous. At the Tschudi palace enclosure we enter a labyrinthine series of courtyards lined with clay friezes of fish and ocean birds, and walled in places with an open meshwork adobe building style believed to represent fishing nets. We visit inner patios, residences, administrative buildings, temples, platforms and storehouses, and a huge reservoir where “sunken gardens” may have produced specialized crops for the Chimu nobility.
We continue on to the nearby beach resort of Huanchaco, where we have a chance to try the superb seafood of Trujillo at a restaurant overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Here fishermen still paddle out to sea, kneeling on caballitos de totora — little one-man reed rafts which have been used for millennia to collect the abundant bounty of the Pacific ocean.
In the afternoon we drive to the airport in time for our flight to Lima (Airfare Not included) Upon arrival transfer to your accommodation. Overnight (B,L)


Early breakfast and pick up to go to the airport for your flight to Puerto Maldonado (airfare not included).
Transfer from Puerto Maldonado airport to the river port on the Madre de Dios River. A 25 minutes journey down the Madre de Dios River by motor canoe brings you to the riverside trailhead to Sandoval Lake Lodge. From here the trail takes you on a 2-miles (3,2-kilometers) walk through secondary forest, until we reach a small canal where we board canoes and are paddled 220 yards (201 meters) through a flooded forest of 100-foot (30-meters) tall Mauritia palms. As the canal opens onto the shimmering surface of the lake, we transfer to a catamaran and are leisurely paddled across half the lake to the lodge.
After lunch and a brief rest to avoid the early afternoon heat, we will learn about the history of the lodge and the philosophy of its founders. Then we once again board the catamaran and set off to explore the entire west end of the lake. Here, in the flooded palm forest we drift to the sounds of hundreds of Red-Bellied Macaws as they return to the palm forest for the night. This macaw species is found locally in parts of the Amazon, always living in flooded palm forests such as the beautiful palm stand at Sandoval Lake. At 500-800 birds, this flock of macaws at Sandoval Lake is currently the largest reported in the world for this highly-specialized macaw.
As night falls we will look for the large and extremely rare Black Caimans. If it is a clear starlit night, we will also be able to float in the middle of the lake to marvel at the brilliance of the sky and listen to the sounds of the forest.
We return to the lodge for a short video or slide presentation and dinner. At any point, you could step out from the bar to admire the wide variety of nocturnal moths, beetles and praying mantis attracted to our black light in the lodge clearing.
For those with lots of energy, our guide will take us on a short night-walk into the forest behind the lodge. (B, L,D).


A pre-dawn wake-up call will enable us to be on the lake for sunrise and a hopeful encounter with the family of Giant Otters who frequent the lake and are most active at this time of day. Sandoval Lake offers abundant wildlife including over 40 species of birds resident to its lake margins, most of the fish-eating water birds around the lake actively fish in the early morning as well, and this outing should provide excellent views, of the prehistoric- looking Hoatzins, These are easy to observe and also photograph from the paddled canoes or catamarans.
After returning for a late breakfast we set off into the cool under story of the tall virgin forest near the lake to see some towering wild Brazil Nut trees and a demonstration of how our hosts collect, open and commercialize this important natural product.
After lunch and an hour or so to relax we once again board the catamaran to explore the eastern part of the lake, where we might see one or more of the five species of monkeys who live in the forest near the lake, such as the Brown Capuchin Monkey and Squirrel Monkey.
Before dinner we will again enjoy an informative natural history video or slide presentation. We will leave after dinner to try and spot some Black Caimans on the lake, or to go on a short night walk through the primary forest. (B,L,D)


After a dawn breakfast, we will cross the lake by catamaran and take a short walk into the interior of the Mauritia palm forest to stand beneath and closely view the impressive morning congregations, this place has a very interesting concentration of parrots, parakeets and large and small macaws that can be observed using dead Mauritia palm trees, some of them are resident nesters (Yellow headed Parrot, Mealy Parrot, Blue headed Parrot, Scarlet Macaw, blue and Yellow Macaw, Red and Green Macaw, Chestnut fronted Macaw, Dusky headed Parakeet, Red bellied Macaw, Cobalt winged Parakeet, Tui Parakeet).
Returning from the macaw show we will cross the lake to explore a primary forest trail and admire the impressive ancient rainforest trees and lianas with our knowledgeable resident naturalist guide. As we walk, the forest will be brought to life as your guide explains the ecology of the rainforest and its diverse flora and fauna.
We return for lunch, and then there is an optional rest for those who would like to escape the early afternoon heat. For those still full of energy, there is an option to independently explore some of the forest trails using our trail map. You might stroll through our medicinal plant garden or watch hummingbirds visiting the nectar feeders, or the tanagers visiting our fruit feeders.
In the cooler late afternoon we will once again board the catamaran to explore the eastern end of the lake, and hopefully experience a spectacular sunset over the lake before returning to the lodge for dinner. For some people, an alternative afternoon activity would be to relax on benches inside the forest perched above a clear running stream in which a variety of bathing hummingbirds and forest birds visit.
After dinner, there is a final chance to look for Black Caiman on the lake, or to go on a short night hike through the forest. (B,L,D)


After early breakfast we leave near dawn and we take a final, shorter paddle around the west end of the lake to try and glimpse the Giant Otters before returning by motor canoe for the 35 minutes return trip to the Puerto Maldonado Airport, taking advantage of valuable early morning wildlife activity along the river. From here you fly to Cusco (airfare not included). Upon arrival to Cusco Airport. Reception and transportation to the Hotel where you will receive an aromatic coca tea to stimulating for the height, will have the day to rest and also we suggest you have a light lunch either at your hotel or in one of the surrounded.
in the afternoon we will depart on a guided city tour, where tourist have the opportunity to visit 6 places (entrance to the archaeological centers and museums including) we will visit the Main square, Cathedral, the Koricancha (temple of the sun) and in addition we will make a route bordering archaeological centers like Sacsayhuaman Fortress, Q’enko, Puka Pukara and Tambomachay, tour finishes 6:30pm approximately at the main square in order you can take dinner in one of the exquisite restaurants in the area, then overnight. (B)
*City tour: from 1.45pm to 6:30pm approx. (Pickup from the hotel starts at 1:15pm)


Breakfast. You will be picked up at 8:15 am. Full day excursion to the Urubamba Valley visiting: The colorful Indian market in Pisac where a mixture of color, tradition will be able appreciated. Pisac is located to the entrance of the Sacred Valley followed by Ollantaytambo. Most people visit Pisac to see the market on Sunday, but there are smaller markets on both Tuesday and Thursday. However Pisac is a pretty village and has plenty of small handicraft shops and is worth a visit on any day of the week as is a good place to buy the local ceramics including a huge and varied collection of hand-painted multi-coloured beads. Lunch in a typical restaurant in Urubamba then we continue with Ollantaytambo which is an attractive little town located at the western end of the Sacred Valley, considered the older town continuously occupied of the American continent is located at the foot of some spectacular Inca ruins which protected the strategic entrance to the lower Urubamba Valley. The narrow streets of Ollantaytambo, along with their channels that have not varied from the Inca time, evoke their ancestral inheritance, and then finish visiting Chinchero.
Chinchero is a small Andean Indian village located high up on the windswept plains of Anta at 3762m about 30km from Cusco and is believed to be the mythical birthplace of the rainbow. Its major claim to tourism is its colorful Sunday market which is much less tourist-orientated than the market at Pisac. At the end, return to Cusco arriving at 6:30pm approximately at the main plaza.
The night is free for you to eat in a restaurant of your choice; although we always have plenty of suggestions for you should you require them. (B, L)
Note: Take this tour on market days: Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday // Bilingual Guided tour on different days


Early breakfast and pickup to go the train station to depart to Machu Picchu, the trip takes about 4 hours. During the trip we will have an amazing view of the landscapes of the Sacred Valley of Urubamba and the Amazon rainforest providing you a small hint of how much Peru has to offer. Upon arrival to the little town of Aguas Calientes you will have to approach the bus station towards Machupicchu the “Lost City of the Incas” (Only 20 minutes ride) to receive a professional guided tour by this Huge Historical Sanctuary visiting the Main Plaza, the Circular Tower, the Sacred Sun Dial, the Royal Quarters, the Temple of the Three Windows and various burial grounds follow by some free time to explore the zone on your own and experience the energy and force contained therein, an according time, we will go down to the Aguas Calientes town to relax at the hot springs or just overnight at the select lodging in Aguas Calientes town. (B,L).


The Hiram Bingham is the most luxurious way to journey between Cusco and Machu Picchu. For many visitors a trip to Machu Picchu is a once in a lifetime experience, and the Hiram Bingham assures a magical journey, never to be forgotten.
The carriages are painted a distinctive blue and gold and the interiors are luxurious, warm and inviting with elegant decoration in the style of the 1920’s Pullman trains.
Each of the carriages has been furnished in polished wood and brass with large chairs and plenty of space to stretch out. As you board, the tables are exquisitely laid, ready for your meal, with gleaming crystal and polished cutlery.
On board you will be served by a team of dedicated waiters who will attend to your every need and make sure your journey is as comfortable and luxurious as you imagined.

The Vistadome connect your senses through a sophisticated and sensory travel experience; is the ideal train for those who want to be in contact with the environment and appreciate the wonderful journey to Machu Picchu.
Surrounded entirely by glass and wagons with large panoramic windows offering incomparable scenic views and innumerous opportunities to capture amazing pictures, Vistadome travelers feel connected and part of the impressive landscape of Peru.
The Vistadome also has air conditioning and heating, leather seats that adjust the body to provide comfort and relaxation during the entire trip and has a different service, which allows the visitor to be immersed and feel the Andean culture through its landscapes, music, dance and even food carefully prepared with local ingredients

The Expedition is a travel experience with all the quality and benefits at a lower cost. Is a service designed for the traveler’s comfort, with four passenger seats located in front of each other, so you can share your experience, and for the faithful backpack that is always with you we offer racks placed above the seats. Also, this train has panoramic windows, air conditioning and heating, and Andean music that creates a cheerful atmosphere.


Breakfast and rest of day at leisure by your own (Entrance and bus fee to Machu Picchu Not included on this day) in the afternoon return to Cusco. Reception at the train station and transfer to the Hotel where it passed the night (B).
Upon request: You can make a second visit to Machu Picchu and have the chance to know hidden places, such as the Intipunku (Gate of the Sun) or for more adventures can take a hike to the top of Huayna Picchu (Young Mountain) to visit the Temple of the Moon and enjoy a spectacular view of the city. Or if you have good physical conditions can take a hike full of adrenaline to the Putukusi Mountain opposite position than Machu Picchu which allows us to have other unforgettable views from this new wonder.


Breakfast and according time, transportation will be provided to go the airport (B).


INCLUDES: All hotel and lodge accommodations based on double or single occupancy. All scheduled transportation. All transfers. All scheduled excursions with English-speaking guide services. All entrance fees. Meals as specified in the itinerary. B=Breakfast; L=Lunch; D=Dinner.

IMPORTANT: For a better service, the company informs you that it has autonomy to change the Hotels mentioned in the itinerary with another one of similar category if therefore sees it by advisable taking into account justifiable availability of spaces or other reasons, if this it is the case you will be notified ahead of time.

NOT INCLUDE: International and domestic airfares, airport departure taxes or visa fees, excess baggage charges, additional nights during the trip due to flight cancellations, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages or bottled water, snacks, insurance of any kind, laundry, phone calls, radio calls or messages, reconfirmation of international flights and items of personal nature.

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Peru Explorer

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You also can write us at: travel@machupicchu.info

Packages start at USD$1,239 for our 4-day Cusco & Machu Picchu package (with domestic flights included.)
We specialize in complete travel packages that allow you to enjoy your travels while we handle the logistics.
Services are available as part of a full itinerary (3-days or more) including all hotels, tours and ground transportation.

The Peru Specialists

Kim MacQuarrie
Alonso Cueto
Gonzalo Salinas
Javier Puente
Peru Explorer