Galapagos FAQ


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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What kind of weather can we find in the Galapagos Islands?

A: In general, December to June are the warmest months. January to March can be hot and humid, but also mostly green at this time. July to November are cooler. The average year-round temperature is 24°C.

Max. Air Temp. 84 86 88 86 82 78 76 74 76 77 78 80
Min. Air Temp. 70 74 74 72 72 68 66 64 62 64 66 68
Avg. Sea Temp. 74 76 76 76 74 74 72 66 68 70 72 74
Avg. Rainfall (in.) 1 1 2 1.5 0.75 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.5

All the packages within this brochure have been made taking into consideration the following terms:

  • Airfares and other taxes are not included in our published packages. Airfares and taxes may vary without prior notice.
  • Domestic flights might not leave at scheduled times.
  • When possible, programs are quoted for luxury, first-class and tourist hotels. However, sightseeing is always the same high quality we are known for.
  • Train portion is subject to change due to operational reasons. In these cases, circuit will be completed by car.
  • Distances in Kilometers in Ecuador may be misleading due to difficult terrain.
  • For international sales, all policies of deposits, payments and cancellations are applicable, as described at tariff guide.

Who will meet me at the Airport in Galapagos ?

Upon the arrival to the airport, our guides are waiting for you with a placard of the ship or yacht.  They will receive the      passengers, check them in the list to see nobody is left behind and transport them in the airlines’ bus to the dock where the vessel anchored.

Are there any luggage’s restrictions ?

The airline that operates to Galapagos, allows one piece of   luggage per person no more than 30 kilos (approximately 60 pounds).  We recommend lock your luggage during your flight.

What is the smoking policy on board the ship ?

It is forbidden to smoke inside the yachts and the vessel. Smoking is allowed only on the sun decks, outdoors where you will find appropriate ashtray. Never throw cigarette filters over-board.

What time zone is used in Galapagos ?

Local time in Galapagos is GMT – 6 (one our less than in Ecuador’s main land). In our yachts and vessels  we work with Ecuador’s main land time.

Is there any physical requirement for the cruise ?

We recommend that passengers be in reasonably good physical condition as some trails are difficult therefore elderly or disabled people may find them too hard.  The passengers with difficulties must notify to PERU EXPLORER by PeruForLess about their physical condition in order to make the necessary arrangements.

PERU EXPLORER by PeruForLess reserve the right to refuse a passenger if someone failed to inform of any physical disability, or who in the opinion of the company, constitutes a danger to themselves, other guest, members of the crew, or the smooth operation of the vessel.

What should I wear during the cruise ?

Galapagos means nature, moving, enjoying and relaxation, therefore you don’t have to worry about dressing up. Casual and light clothing is recommended on board the ship.

For dinning:  you will need a semiformal wear and a sweater or jacket for windy nights.

For the excursions: we recommend you to take:

– Cotton long sleeved shirts

– T-shirts

– Lightweight pair of slacks

– Shorts

– Good walking shoes with socks

– Thongs or Tevas

– Hat with straps

– Bathing suit

– Sunglasses (preferably with straps)

– Windbreaker

– Wetsuit (for snorkels  is just needed June to November when the temperature of the water drops a little)

What else should we take along with us ?

Besides the clothes listed above you should bring:

– A small backpack or bag

– Equipment

– Sun block lotion (at least protection 8)

– Insect repellent

– Snorkeling gear: mask, tube and flippers (all available on board)

– Grooming kit

– Personal medication

– Books (available on board)

– Small notebook and pencil

– Camera gear

– Film (available on board)

– Binoculars

Visas :

Ecuador requires a valid passport issued by the traveler’s   country of residence. The traveler must also hold proof of return, or onward journey, the entrance permits for foreigners are valid for period of up to 90 days without a visa. People from a group of 26 countries require a 12-X visa for            reciprocity reasons, these are: Algeria, Bangladesh, China, North Korea, South Korea, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Syria, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tunisia, Vietnam, Yemen and Palestine. We recommend all passengers check with respective authorities before departure.


No vaccinations are required for entering the country. However, yellow fever vaccination is required to enter the Amazon Jungle, with the presentation of original certificate. Nevertheless, we recommend you check with your physician before departure.

Because of the high altitudes in certain areas of Ecuador, travelers with particular heart conditions or high blood     pressure should consult their doctors. It is advisable to drink bottled water everywhere.


Spanish is the official language. Quechua is spoken by a large percentage of the native and mestizo population. English, is spoken in hotels, tourist shops and in major visitor centers where sometimes is possible to find people speaking French and German.

Photography /  Video

The unique wildlife in the Galapagos Islands, as well as the scenery, markets, churches, flora, fauna and jungle of the    mainland, will give you some of the best snapshots of your life. Make sure you bring a zoom lens for wildlife close-ups, 100 ASA film for outdoor shots, 200 for cloudy days, and a couple of 400 for low-light situations (church interiors). A UV filter is necessary. Although you may purchase film and batteries in Ecuadorian stores, it is highly recommended that you bring a sufficient supply, particularly when traveling to the Galapagos Islands and Amazon rain forest.


Tipping is always a courtesy from passengers and in no case should be forced on to clients. However, if service has been pleasing, the following are our suggestions:

– Restaurants and coffee shops:      10% of the bill.

– Hotel/ airport portage:                US$ 1 p/ suitcase

– Guides in Mainland                    US$ 3 per day, p/p

– Driver in Mainland:                    US$ 2 per day, p/p

– Guides in Galapagos:                 US$ 5 per day, p/p

– Cruise crew:                             US$ 10 per day, p/p


Continental Ecuador:  each region of the country has its own climate.  In the highlands, it is spring-like most of the year, although colder and rainier in the winter months from December to April.  Dry months are from May through October when the temperatures are around 70°F (21°-26°C) during the day, but often around 50° F (10°-15°C) during the evening.

iOn the coast, the average temperature is 83° F (28°C), with the hot, rainy season from November to May and the dry season from June to December!

In the Amazon rain forest the climate is humid, warm and quite rainy.

What to Bring:

Highlands:  For Quito and the other highland cities, wear comfortable springtime clothing during the day and a sweater or coat during the evening.

For the highlands and moorlands (páramos), warm, winter-like clothing is essential.

Amazon Rainforest:  For your Amazon or other rainforest explorations, you may prefer a long-sleeved shirts and long pants for protection against mosquitoes. Insect repellent, sunscreen, a hat and eye-drops must be part of your traveling equipment, especially if you are sun- sensitive. A camera, binoculars and a flashlight are  necessary for sightseeing, as well as a  waterproof jacket, rubber shoes and swimwear           .

Pacific Coast: Consider that the Ecuadorian beaches are “nature seeking” experiences which include long walks, swimming, and other physical activities. Therefore, we advise you to bring comfortable breathable clothes, tevas-sandals or similar, swimsuits, sunscreen, repellent, wide brim hat, sunglasses, binoculars, eye drops. Be advised that evening gowns and accessories are not necessary.  At night semiformal, attire is advised.

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Packages start at USD$1,239 for our 4-day Cusco & Machu Picchu package (with domestic flights included.)
We specialize in complete travel packages that allow you to enjoy your travels while we handle the logistics.
Services are available as part of a full itinerary (3-days or more) including all hotels, tours and ground transportation.

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Kim MacQuarrie
Alonso Cueto
Gonzalo Salinas
Javier Puente
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